Coal to Electric Heating

Coal saving 490 tons/month (coal combustion calorific value is about 4000 kcal/kg)
Coal saving 490 tons/month (coal combustion calorific value is about 4000 kcal/kg)
Smart Mining Farm

Reduced O&M by 1/5 and equipment failure rate by 80%
Reduced O&M by 1/5 and equipment failure rate by 80%
Constant Temperature Fish Farming

Scale:200kW - 150 million Striped bass
Fish farming combined with mining reduces the payback period to 6 months
Fish farming combined with mining reduces the payback period to 6 months
Commercial Building Heating

Heat utilization for the whole building of 130,000 square meters
Heat utilization for the whole building of 130,000 square meters
Flare Gas Utilization

The originally burned natural gas is generated by a natural gas generator to supply energy for the integrated energy system
Solving the problem of natural gas waste, reducing carbon emissions by 63%, and achieving zero conventional combustion loss
The originally burned natural gas is generated by a natural gas generator to supply energy for the integrated energy system
Solving the problem of natural gas waste, reducing carbon emissions by 63%, and achieving zero conventional combustion loss
Seawater Desalination

Scale:In Progress
R&D a special system for seawater desalination, reduce the comprehensive cost of it, and realize zero-carbon mining & integrated application
Save original cost, and reduce carbon emmission
R&D a special system for seawater desalination, reduce the comprehensive cost of it, and realize zero-carbon mining & integrated application
Save original cost, and reduce carbon emmission